Sunday, September 20, 2009

RaNdoM Stories!

It feels if I don’t write them somewhere I forget them!
So here are a few fun REALLY random stories of just how amazing Jesus is:

One day in Congo we were on our way to Mugunga camp. =) Our form of transportation, like most days, was public transit -a stuffed 14-passenger van. (that can hold up to 30 ppl!) This day was special though, unlike most days when I’m crammed in the back, THIS time I got to be crammed in the front (a little more leg room there!) The driver was on the far right, and then three of us closely cuddling on the left. Sitting there, I was practically on top of the middle guy and the end guy was practically on top of me. (Oh yes – so delightful!) Well, one time we had to switch positions a little and I noticed the end guy wasn’t moving his leg. So like little sardines in a can, I asked him what was the matter. He began to tell his story and I learned he was in an accident a year ago and still has pain and couldn’t move it. WELL, cornered!…sort of, we had all the time in the world to chat about God’s amazing love for people and I asked him if I could pray for him. “Now?” “Yeah!” He agreed and in no time was making attempts to unsquish himself to “test out” his leg.
Healed! Yay Jesus. Cause there’s no better time then hot and sticky on the way to an IDP camp. (And his name… Emmanuel. :)

Once in Uganda (while on the car theme) we were piled into a private taxi (thank the LORD!). It was raining and the roads were quite slippery, no worries, we’re in a car right? Sort of. As the rain got heavier a motorbike taxi in front of us lost control and crashed. “STOP!!!!” We screamed from inside the taxi as we all hopped out to make sure everyone was ok.
Not sure where the taxi guy went but the two ladies that had been on the back were distraught. “We need to get to the hospital! She’s dislocated her shoulder!” Well, I don’t know what a dislocated shoulder looks like, but I can say hers sure didn’t look good! Both women were in much pain and a little bloody so we asked if we could pray for them before taking them to the hospital! “Sure sure…” With the rain starting to fizzle a little we invited rain from heaven to come and heal the ladies. As their faces started to brighten we ran back to the car to scrap up any band-aids and tissue we could find. As we continued to invite Jesus to the scene of the accident we wiped up their blood and covered the open wounds with plasters. By the time we were finished the ladies were smiling and laughing. “We’re better. No pain! Don’t need the hospital anymore but thanks!” YAY JESUS!!!!! I love it when he shows up. So my favorite! ;)

And to top it off let’s move to Kenya… ☺ We were working on the coast in Mombasa at the time with a group of ex-prostitutes. We had been teaching on the Kingdom and how they are DAUGHTERS of GOD. That’s amazing! And that they have access to everything that’s in heaven. As a practical activity to demonstrate, we took them to the streets one afternoon to have them bring heaven. (Treasure hunting, for those familiar) They started by asking Jesus who to pray for and then went out to find them. One fun time we came across a lady and her baby. She matched the perfect description my friend had heard and we found out she was very sick with lung problems as were her kids. In fact she had just just returned from the hospital. So we gathered around them and the amazing daughters laid their hands on the sick. As we were praying I noticed the woman started to cry and cry and cry. When we finished I asked her what was wrong and she said “It’s gone! All my pain is gone! I can breath well without pain!” Healed! Then we prayed for her kids and the same happened with on of her boys. YAY JESUS!!! I love him….

So that’s fun. I realized today that most of my posts are rants and that I should switch it up with some glory story. Lol. So here are the odd ones – one from each country! :) Will share more with time…. :)

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