Friday, September 25, 2009

doing life: bars and brothels

Ahhh! Jesus is so amazing I could burst.

A lil sick right now so my mind is fuzzy BUT here’s some fun from the last couple days…

So I’ve been back working in the bars and “brothels” this last week on the Kenyan Coast. (Not working working, but … ya) lol. I wanted to return to be with the girls who came out of prostitution last time to see how they’re doing and help them get settled in jobs that don’t require sex. :) I planned sort of a “surprise” visit to really see where the girls were at, so two days before traveling I called them and let them know my schedule. It was brilliant, within hours the whole community knew and the girls were calling me: “Sandra, Sandra! You are coming!!! KARIBU (welcome)!!!!” Instantly I became ecstatic. “If they’re calling, that means they haven’t returned to their old jobs!!!” YAY!!!
The 18 hour bus ride ahead of me suddenly didn’t seem that bad, oh the things we do for the joy set before us. :)
The next few days were amazing. Investing in relationship with these girls and meeting new ladies desperate for Jesus, and a lil life change. Fabulous.

The nights, as always, were spent mostly in the bars talking with current prostitutes. We had such a good time. Almost every girl wanted Jesus. I know, a little suspicious but His presence would fall so strongly at the tables, how could they resist? We’d talk, hang out and then they’d ask if they could meet him. I would try to talk them out of it at first, seeing if they really wanted him or if they just wanted to please the foreigner, but it couldn’t be done! They were just hungry for Jesus. During a conversation with one girl I felt a nudging from papa and started to prophesy over her. In seconds she started BAWLING at the table. Another girl, also sitting with us, was so undone by God’s love for the girl crying; she couldn’t hold back, “I’ve got to have him too!!”

So those were the nights, in the morning we’d follow up with a meeting. It was a chance for them to get to know Jesus more and plug into a community. (Eventually get alternative employment if desired… :) About twenty girls showed up! (I had maybe spoken with ten over the last few days?) They were so hungry for truth and love. One girl named Maggie, stayed after the meeting and confessed to being six months pregnant. Seriously one of tiniest girls I’ve ever seen. Through tears she explained her story:

Working in the commercial sex trade in Mombasa her life took a twist when she learned she was pregnant. Crap. She tried to have an abortion but it didn’t work. Covering it up as best as she could, Maggie kept trying to terminate the little life several times. Somehow (who knows how) nothing seemed to work though, so she ran away. She came to the city I was in, and has been working there a month. Living in a clubs supply closet and selling her body to eat, she was depressed and wanted to die. She was so precious though. When we met she made the decision quickly, she wanted God no matter what.

While talking in the restaurant the morning after, tears streaming down her face I had no answer but Jesus. I was out of money, I couldn’t offer her a job, and I was leaving that night so I couldn’t even offer her solid friendship. All I had was knowledge of a perfect father. Thank goodness that’s enough! After she finished I sat and inwardly started praying: “God… what do I do??” just then I heard the other girls pipe up. The ones that have only just come out of the trade themselves and are still babies in the faith, “You can stay with us! We’ll help you find a job!” Then the pastor with a large smile on his face: “And what a joy! A baby! We’ll help you get settled in a house for when the child arrives!” AW!! YAY!!! God’s so faithful!!

Later that day God amazed me, once again, as I had the privilege of working with our “head girl” to start our first business! Not chickens like I’d hoped (as the chicken market is down right now- guess they’re all in Ethiopia for the month?) So instead the girls now have a small clothing shop! Woo Jesus!

So that was that was a taste of the last week! Of course it had its bumps. My hotel was in the heart of the area I worked and INFESTED with bugs. I’d just laugh, as I knew it wasn’t time to get up in the morning if I could still hear the music from the clubs next door. (They usually didn’t close until 6 or 6:30am!) Not to mention I got sick the day after I arrived! It felt like I was like doing the entire week under water. :( haha.. But it was still great! I love seeing the extra element of God’s strength when I’m super weak. He’s so fab. :)

(Sorry it’s long but that’s the condensed version! If you’d like to get involved and invest in a business for ex-prostitutes please let me know!!! We’re looking for partners!!! :)


Ms. Allen said...

I love this! Jesus is so amazing. Thanks for posting these more!

I love how Jesus shows up in the bars. hahaha. Cass, thanks for your willingness and fearlessness to continue to do the things God has called you to, even when you go to the places alone.

You are unique and wonderful. I hope you are better now.

Ms. Allen said...

P.S. My name is Ms. Allen because I use blogspot for class. Haha, I'm otherwise known as Amber. =)