Monday, November 10, 2008

It ends well ;)

Sometimes when you witness something that's troubling, instead of processing we can fall victim to the vicious thing we call "self protection". I was told it'd be the only way I’d survive my hop, step and jump through the war zones. (For Kristen;) But with Jesus being my, well, everything, and love knowing "no bounds" I still think self protection isn't really an option. lol So yes, in other words - I cry a lot. ;) But another fabulous thing about Jesus, is with him, the tears always end with hope and smiling uncontrollably.
ANYWAY, I'd numbed my emotions for a little while but,
Last week I saw a little girl get beat. Or "caned". It was awful. It's technically common here but, uh. Just blow after blow. I tried to stop it but by the time I followed the screams and went through the barrier of people / translation it was over. Nauseated I was mocked for my opposition to the "discipline" and defeated I walked away.
Later the little girl (about five years old) was in my room (lol should I say) and I needed to leave, emptying the room behind me. "No" she protested and gripped the chair tighter. Eventually to what I thought was no big deal, she was convinced to let go and follow me out the front door. No sooner than we exited however that she turned and wound up with a clenched fist and proceeded to beat me. Not like a temper tantrum but like "attack". With every hit there was such rage, something so much deeper than me going to the market. Suddenly I remembered her beating earlier and the flood of emotions returned.
Later that night I sat down with one of the ladies and spent hours hashing out theories of discipline and child rearing. (haha I know I'm not a mom but I've listened to Danny Silk's parenting teachings a dozen times)
By the end it felt like breakthrough as she relented that "Options ARE a good thing" and "There is another way other than beatings"
Now as fabulous as that is, yay for two less children being beat, it seems hard to forget the force to which the cane fell the other night on the little girls back. And arms. And head.
From one fight to another my thoughts somehow move to the latest Congo occurrences.
250, 000 refugees in two months, rebels taking over villages and the UN states there are reports of "rapes and acts of violence".
Good job Sherlock.
Slightly worse then a canning.
And so again I make the decision: No self protection.
This isn't just another "African Outbreak". Stats on a page. Would that little girls beating have affected me so had I not heard the thuds of the stick? BUT would it have made it any less real.
It just all makes me step back a little. The stories provoke an "upchuck" reflex of the brutal sexual assaults and children joining the army action cause life is somehow still worse on the civilian side.
The issue is so much deeper than the last two months.
Though...with Jesus it always end with uncontrollable smiling. lol. "Never Again". As horrific as it is, I can't conceal the giggle inside of me. This is our chance to write history. Sure the ball was dropped with Rwanda, Northern Uganda, Sudan...but not Congo, not this time. I'm oozing cheese I know I know but we're called the "Hero Generation" and I think this story ends differently. No complacency. "Evil triumphs when righteous men stay silent" No self protection. No silence. Sidelines are not our only option.
"There is another way other then beatings"

Anyway, it's been on my heart so it comes out in a blog. Guess that's serious post #2 though. Sorry. Try to think of something light to cap off with...A large spider in my shower, that only seemed to come out at night, forced me to bathe outside for a week. Ya, lets just say even in the dark...I still glow. lol.. I think I've solved the mystery to my many Sudanese suitors... ;)

-If this is the first time you've heard of the Congo fighting than you live in a bigger bubble then I do (which is saying a lot) and I suggest you turn on the BBC- ;)

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