It seems to be the common topic of emails lately, "Where the heck are you?"
(I know, I often wake up in the middle of the night asking myself the same question ;)
So to solve the most FAQ: I'm in Northern Uganda now.
Somehow the north of Uganda became my haven and feels now like home so it's nice to be back briefly. Work is also never hard to find as I run around teaching classes at a Children's Center or working with a friend I live with and the seven teenage mothers and their babies that share our house. (Which is totally bliss as I am LOVING them to pieces)
One fabulous thing about the Children's Center that I wanted to gush about though, is the latest door that's opened.
So the GCM model is really about empowering and releasing kids to pretty much change the world with Jesus and lately I've been working with this group of kids who are absolutely fabulous. They just catch everything so quickly. As they learn about healing the sick it's sort of a given that we'd go to the hospital to practice what I've preached so I spoke to the staff. They not only said that door would be possible but they brought up a twist. They didn't see just any hospital but they brought up the military hospital, inside the barracks, having the little orphan babies pray for the sick soldiers. Haha. I'm sure many of you can imagine my delight. =)
We entered the barracks and were taken directly to the hospital. An adult on the team meeting us there I think was expecting someone...taller and as he walked directly in front of me I could hear him laugh about "Barracks being no place for women".
I just smiled. And what about the six kids "The woman" brought with her?
(It's totally safe, don't anyone hear the word "soldier" and go into cardiac arrest. Never was I or any of my kids in ANY kind of danger)
We got to the hospital and a guy shared for a while and then I got up to explain that the kids have lots of Jesus in them and that Jesus loves to heal the sick so if they wanted prayer we'd be passing from bed to bed.
Well...It was amazing. lol. I had so much fun, I can't even say. The kids were simply fabulous praying fearlessly for the soldiers and leading them to God's heart. I'm just devastated that cameras were forbidden. =)
My favourite miracle of the day was actually a lady we prayed for. I assume one of the wives of a soldier there. She had a severe case of HIV. Her body was disgustingly thin with what I guess were scabies that COVERED her from head to toe. She seemed depressed, in pain and I couldn't blame her.
With permission we all gathered around her and carefully wrapping our arms around her delicate frame, just loved on the woman as best we could. After praying we asked her how she felt and if she could, oh so carefully, test out things she couldn't do before. Immediately her face seemed lighter as she described ringing and pain in her ears that disappeared! She then started kicking out her legs saying "I could barely do this before and not without severe pain. My pain is now gone!"
She was soooo precious. Whether healed of HIV I don't know but her smile said it all.
We all left the hospital laughing with pure delight at God's undeniable goodness!
So yes. I love Uganda. Sudan is amazing but here compared to Juba is a cake walk and I'm enjoying it thoroughly.
Minus my house I guess. That's not always a breeze. lol. In the last week alone,
Our toilet stopped working,
we had an...unwanted visitor,(haha)
a mouse moved in to my cupboard and will watch me when I'm most vulnerable,
I almost died from a massive spider with hundreds of babies hatching from it's behind when we sprayed it with Doom (bootylicious...not so much ;)
and I got lost in the village as sometimes every hut just looks the same. (I felt like a puppy as I circled some of the same houses and people tryed to convince me to live with them. "It's ok. Come Come. You are welcome to live." another time thx...)
So, brief life update. Congo border still on the brain, if you can take that hint ;) Kenya next week for TheCall Nairobi which is exciting as the Cali crew is coming and for those who know Nairobi, two words : Java House. =)