Thursday, December 11, 2008

Set your TiVo!

A note to all you "24" fans and lovers of popcorn...

We don't get tv in my end of the village ;) BUT apparently this latest season of "24" is about child soldiers in Africa!

For those missing the point, this is amazing because this coming spring I'll be working with GCM in Sudan helping to rehabilitate child soldiers into their villages.

Super readers digest version...
It's quite the issue in almost every war world wide as kids are forced to pick up arms to fight someone else's war. Usually when the babies are taken from the front lines and stripped of their beloved Kalashnikovs they're often sent back home with a small pat on the back and a hopeful "Good luck". With this as only the third year of peace in Southern Sudan not much has been developed to help the kids and the reintegration process is...lacking, taking it's toll on this generation of child fighters. (Rehabilitation nightmare, to say the least ;)

So this is where we will come in. Working with the kids post demobilisation we desire to love 'em back to life. haha In short.

So...24! With that said, I'm also moving back to America. I'm leaving Africa shortly (ya, dates still undetermined, maybe a few days...maybe a few weeks...TIA) where I'll be working with the GCM and Exp.58 team in LA to develop the project and give other people a chance to get involved.

It should be fabulous, to say the least ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey lady - in canada it's a pvr (not tivo) :)